We are so very fortunate to be the stewards of such amazing artifacts, many of which have come to us as gifts. To those listed below, we'd like to thank you for donating your object to us so that we may share it with others.
Adams, Barbara
Given in Memory of Judith B. Adams
Adams, JoAnn M.
Given in Memory of John Denis
Adams, Paul
Adams, Priscilla
Given in Memory of Fred Adams
Allen, George B.
Ameika, Richard E.
Amerigian, Craig
Ames, Rick
Given in Honor of Carol Burnett (Mrs. Wiggins) & Lily Tomlin
Amirault, Vern
Amos, Alan
Annis, Barbara
Antin, Earl & Patricia
Given in Memory of Joseph B. Antin
Archambault, Gary
Given in Memory of A. Claire Archambault
Armitage, Gary
Aucoin, Janine
Avell, Ann G.
Avery, Melissa
Aydelotte, Walter
Given in Memory of Dorothy & Walter Aydelotte Sr.
And Chester Kurtz Sr. & Thelma
Ayotte, Steven
Adams, Barbara
Given in Memory of Judith B. Adams
Adams, JoAnn M.
Given in Memory of John Denis
Adams, Paul
Adams, Priscilla
Given in Memory of Fred Adams
Allen, George B.
Ameika, Richard E.
Amerigian, Craig
Ames, Rick
Given in Honor of Carol Burnett (Mrs. Wiggins) & Lily Tomlin
Amirault, Vern
Amos, Alan
Annis, Barbara
Antin, Earl & Patricia
Given in Memory of Joseph B. Antin
Archambault, Gary
Given in Memory of A. Claire Archambault
Armitage, Gary
Aucoin, Janine
Avell, Ann G.
Avery, Melissa
Aydelotte, Walter
Given in Memory of Dorothy & Walter Aydelotte Sr.
And Chester Kurtz Sr. & Thelma
Ayotte, Steven
Bailey, Jeanie
Given in Memory of Theo D. Drolet
Bailey, Scott
Given in memory of P.O.T.S.
Baker, Jeannette & Lee
Banks, James R.
Barden, David
Barkhouse, Ben G.
Bartlett, Edna
Batchelder, William
Baylies, Helen C.
Beach, J. Robert
Beaudoin, Lida
Given in Memory of William P. Beaudoin
Bedell, Harry
Beletic, Leslie
Given in Memory of Fred and Eleanor Pierce
Benson, Dexter Lucille
Given in Memory of Claire C. Dexter and Linda Egan
Bentley, Robert
Bernard, Michael R.
Given in Memory of Laurent R. Bernard
Blanchette, Al & Sylvia
Bockus, Gilbert
Bodnarik, Andy, Martha & Julie
Bonenfant, Marc
Bordeleau, Paul
Boudreau, Mary J.
Bourcier, Allison
Bousquet, Heidi
Bouvier, Kelli
Given in Honor of Dan Cashman
Branch, Peter
Brandt, Jane & Edgar
Brannon, John
Brennan, Frank & Rosemary
Brew, Roderick
Bridge, Ernie
Bristol, Alyson
Given in Memory of Eleanor C. Noyes, Retired Operator
Brown, Carol
Brown, David
Brown, Jaime
Brown, Mrs. Liberty J.
Brown, Mike & Paula
Brown, Ruth
Brundrett, Gary
Brydges, William
Butt, Peter
Given in Memory of George Jordan
Butts, Barbara Kunz
Given in Memory of Dorothy T. Kunz
Bailey, Jeanie
Given in Memory of Theo D. Drolet
Bailey, Scott
Given in memory of P.O.T.S.
Baker, Jeannette & Lee
Banks, James R.
Barden, David
Barkhouse, Ben G.
Bartlett, Edna
Batchelder, William
Baylies, Helen C.
Beach, J. Robert
Beaudoin, Lida
Given in Memory of William P. Beaudoin
Bedell, Harry
Beletic, Leslie
Given in Memory of Fred and Eleanor Pierce
Benson, Dexter Lucille
Given in Memory of Claire C. Dexter and Linda Egan
Bentley, Robert
Bernard, Michael R.
Given in Memory of Laurent R. Bernard
Blanchette, Al & Sylvia
Bockus, Gilbert
Bodnarik, Andy, Martha & Julie
Bonenfant, Marc
Bordeleau, Paul
Boudreau, Mary J.
Bourcier, Allison
Bousquet, Heidi
Bouvier, Kelli
Given in Honor of Dan Cashman
Branch, Peter
Brandt, Jane & Edgar
Brannon, John
Brennan, Frank & Rosemary
Brew, Roderick
Bridge, Ernie
Bristol, Alyson
Given in Memory of Eleanor C. Noyes, Retired Operator
Brown, Carol
Brown, David
Brown, Jaime
Brown, Mrs. Liberty J.
Brown, Mike & Paula
Brown, Ruth
Brundrett, Gary
Brydges, William
Butt, Peter
Given in Memory of George Jordan
Butts, Barbara Kunz
Given in Memory of Dorothy T. Kunz
Caci, Frank & Sue
Campbell, Hank
Campenella, Mike
Carlson, Bruce
Given in Memory of BW Carlson
Carmody, Helen
Carney, Philip M.
Given in Memory of Luther "Lucky" Smith (NET)
Case, David
Casey, Brendan
Given in Memory of Tony Trionfante
Casey, Greg
Given in Memory of Wilbur Casey
Casey, Brendan
Casey, William
Given in Memory of Lawrence F. Mahoney
Catanese, Frank & Connie
Cerutti, Dean
Chalker, Wayne
Chandler, Richard O.
Given in Memory of Ralph Eaton Chandler
Chase, Steven
Chellis, Michael
Given in Memory of David Chellis
Chomitz, Christopher
Clark, James
Clay, Spencer
Clough, Mark
Coda, Alice & Arnold
Cogswell Embley, Sally
Cohen, Howard
Cole, Jeffrey
Given in Memory of Eugene L. Cole
Collins, Mark
Given in Memory of Edward J. Albonesi
Colt, Suzie
Concord Hospital Association
Connolly, James & Joan
Connors, David
Cormier, Joseph Dennis
Given in Memory of Brian J. Cormier
Cosson, David
Courser, Fred III
Given in Memory of Elmer & Abby Bartlett
Courser, Rebecca
Given in Memory of Fred W. Courser Jr. & Margaret Bartlett Courser
Cressy, Richard
Given in Memory of Richard W. Cressy Sr.
Cross, Paulette
Given in Memory of Sylvia Lampron
Cross, William
Crowell, Cedric L.
Curtis, Janice
Cushman, Anne Adams
Cutting, Janice
Given in Memory of Robert & Eleanor Cutting
Caci, Frank & Sue
Campbell, Hank
Campenella, Mike
Carlson, Bruce
Given in Memory of BW Carlson
Carmody, Helen
Carney, Philip M.
Given in Memory of Luther "Lucky" Smith (NET)
Case, David
Casey, Brendan
Given in Memory of Tony Trionfante
Casey, Greg
Given in Memory of Wilbur Casey
Casey, Brendan
Casey, William
Given in Memory of Lawrence F. Mahoney
Catanese, Frank & Connie
Cerutti, Dean
Chalker, Wayne
Chandler, Richard O.
Given in Memory of Ralph Eaton Chandler
Chase, Steven
Chellis, Michael
Given in Memory of David Chellis
Chomitz, Christopher
Clark, James
Clay, Spencer
Clough, Mark
Coda, Alice & Arnold
Cogswell Embley, Sally
Cohen, Howard
Cole, Jeffrey
Given in Memory of Eugene L. Cole
Collins, Mark
Given in Memory of Edward J. Albonesi
Colt, Suzie
Concord Hospital Association
Connolly, James & Joan
Connors, David
Cormier, Joseph Dennis
Given in Memory of Brian J. Cormier
Cosson, David
Courser, Fred III
Given in Memory of Elmer & Abby Bartlett
Courser, Rebecca
Given in Memory of Fred W. Courser Jr. & Margaret Bartlett Courser
Cressy, Richard
Given in Memory of Richard W. Cressy Sr.
Cross, Paulette
Given in Memory of Sylvia Lampron
Cross, William
Crowell, Cedric L.
Curtis, Janice
Cushman, Anne Adams
Cutting, Janice
Given in Memory of Robert & Eleanor Cutting
Dahlgren, Richard & Virginia
Daly, Michael P.
Daniels, Ada (Trudy)
Daniels, Dorothy
Given in Memory of William (Bill) Daniels
Davis, Alan & Sue
Davis, Pete
Given in Memory of Bob Davis
DeCoverley, Iva Roger
DeLeon, Tim
Delorey, Marc & Carol
DeLuca, Robert & Susan
Given in Memory of Ben Robert DeLuca
Demanche, Jeanne
Given in Memory of Richard & Pauline Marquis
DeMotta, Anne
Given in Memory of Marjorie Bean Gilman
Denoncourt, Larry
DeOrsey, Stan
DiMauro, Anthony
Dimick, James
Given in Memory of Anthony Minichiello
Dinsmore, Philip
Djubek, Bill
Dockham, Margaret & George
Drooker, Michael
Drusendahl, John & Maxine
Ducharme, Pauline
Dudley, Andrea
Duffy, Dorothy
Dufourny, Paul A.
Given in Memory of John R. Dufourny
Duhamel, Henry
Dunn, Mike & June
Given in Memory of Richard A. Dunn Sr.
Durgin, Charles
Durland, Janice
Given in Memory of Jacqueline Marr Mease
Dustin, Cedric Jr.
Dahlgren, Richard & Virginia
Daly, Michael P.
Daniels, Ada (Trudy)
Daniels, Dorothy
Given in Memory of William (Bill) Daniels
Davis, Alan & Sue
Davis, Pete
Given in Memory of Bob Davis
DeCoverley, Iva Roger
DeLeon, Tim
Delorey, Marc & Carol
DeLuca, Robert & Susan
Given in Memory of Ben Robert DeLuca
Demanche, Jeanne
Given in Memory of Richard & Pauline Marquis
DeMotta, Anne
Given in Memory of Marjorie Bean Gilman
Denoncourt, Larry
DeOrsey, Stan
DiMauro, Anthony
Dimick, James
Given in Memory of Anthony Minichiello
Dinsmore, Philip
Djubek, Bill
Dockham, Margaret & George
Drooker, Michael
Drusendahl, John & Maxine
Ducharme, Pauline
Dudley, Andrea
Duffy, Dorothy
Dufourny, Paul A.
Given in Memory of John R. Dufourny
Duhamel, Henry
Dunn, Mike & June
Given in Memory of Richard A. Dunn Sr.
Durgin, Charles
Durland, Janice
Given in Memory of Jacqueline Marr Mease
Dustin, Cedric Jr.
Edwards, Pati
Given in Memory of Roberta H. Mandrey
Eden, Greg
Ekberg, William
Ekstrand, M. J.
Given in Memory of Dr. Frank Maria (1913-2001)
Ellsworth, Bruce
Emery, Steve
Given in Memory of Robert G. Pierce
Esperian, Joni N.
Ericson, Jere
Ewen, Charles
Edwards, Pati
Given in Memory of Roberta H. Mandrey
Eden, Greg
Ekberg, William
Ekstrand, M. J.
Given in Memory of Dr. Frank Maria (1913-2001)
Ellsworth, Bruce
Emery, Steve
Given in Memory of Robert G. Pierce
Esperian, Joni N.
Ericson, Jere
Ewen, Charles
Fahy, Timothy
Farrar, Alden F.
Fertig, Janet A.
Field, Thomas
Fisch, David
Given in Memory of Isador Fisch
Fitts, Lois
Given in Memory of Henry, Brenda & William Fitts, Sunapee NH
Flanders, Harold
Flannery, Robert & Mary
Fogg, William
Given in Memory of Graham E. Fogg
Foster, Mona
Given in Memory of Irving G. Foster
Fredericks, Otto
Given in Memory of Elizabeth A. Fredericks
Freeman, David
Given in Memory of Lellan Freeman
Fronton, Steve
Fuqua, Robert
Furdyna, Frank
Fahy, Timothy
Farrar, Alden F.
Fertig, Janet A.
Field, Thomas
Fisch, David
Given in Memory of Isador Fisch
Fitts, Lois
Given in Memory of Henry, Brenda & William Fitts, Sunapee NH
Flanders, Harold
Flannery, Robert & Mary
Fogg, William
Given in Memory of Graham E. Fogg
Foster, Mona
Given in Memory of Irving G. Foster
Fredericks, Otto
Given in Memory of Elizabeth A. Fredericks
Freeman, David
Given in Memory of Lellan Freeman
Fronton, Steve
Fuqua, Robert
Furdyna, Frank
Gagnon, Susan
Garvey, Robert
Gelinas, Sandra M.
Giannelli, Frank
Gifford, Graham
Glavas, Anastasia
Goddard, Karen E.
Godfrey, Durell
Goff, Anne M.
Goldberg, Scott
Given in Memory of Cole Goldberg, Sky Quest LLC
Goshgarian, Joan
Gossler Camps
Given in Memory of Greta & Lyle Brandt
Granite State Telephone Company
Grew, Paul M., Jr.
Griffin, James
Given in Memory of Stanley Rutowicz (SNET Retiree)
Gross, Sterling
Gagnon, Susan
Garvey, Robert
Gelinas, Sandra M.
Giannelli, Frank
Gifford, Graham
Glavas, Anastasia
Goddard, Karen E.
Godfrey, Durell
Goff, Anne M.
Goldberg, Scott
Given in Memory of Cole Goldberg, Sky Quest LLC
Goshgarian, Joan
Gossler Camps
Given in Memory of Greta & Lyle Brandt
Granite State Telephone Company
Grew, Paul M., Jr.
Griffin, James
Given in Memory of Stanley Rutowicz (SNET Retiree)
Gross, Sterling
Hague, James J.
Given in Memory of Arnold J. Grover
Hall, Jonathan & Karen
Halladay, Maurice
Given in Memory of Norman & Mildred Halladay
Halls, Norman
Given in Memory of All Telephone Employees
Hanlon, Don
Harmon, Aaron
Harrington, Mary
Given in Memory of Charles M. Harrington
Harris, William
Harrison, Kay
Harrison, Norman
Hart, Harold
Given in Memory of Hank Bartelink
Haskin, Gregg
Given in Memory of Dana & Eleanor Haskin
Hay, Sue
Head, Steve
Hicks, Alex
Hoar, Kenneth
Hoffman, James A.
Hood, Wayne
Given in Memory of Leander O. Hood Family
Hopkinton Historical Society
Hosmer, Joe & Sandy
Howard, Carol Brown
Howard, Carolyn
Howard, Donna
Given in Memory of Louis A. Schnell
Howland, Dennis
Hubbard, Larry
Given in Memory of Eugene A. Hubbard
Hunt, Douglas Jr. & Sandra
Hutchinson, Ken
Hague, James J.
Given in Memory of Arnold J. Grover
Hall, Jonathan & Karen
Halladay, Maurice
Given in Memory of Norman & Mildred Halladay
Halls, Norman
Given in Memory of All Telephone Employees
Hanlon, Don
Harmon, Aaron
Harrington, Mary
Given in Memory of Charles M. Harrington
Harris, William
Harrison, Kay
Harrison, Norman
Hart, Harold
Given in Memory of Hank Bartelink
Haskin, Gregg
Given in Memory of Dana & Eleanor Haskin
Hay, Sue
Head, Steve
Hicks, Alex
Hoar, Kenneth
Hoffman, James A.
Hood, Wayne
Given in Memory of Leander O. Hood Family
Hopkinton Historical Society
Hosmer, Joe & Sandy
Howard, Carol Brown
Howard, Carolyn
Howard, Donna
Given in Memory of Louis A. Schnell
Howland, Dennis
Hubbard, Larry
Given in Memory of Eugene A. Hubbard
Hunt, Douglas Jr. & Sandra
Hutchinson, Ken
Iannuccillo, Elena
Given in Memory of Elena Franciosa
Iannuccillo, Elena
Given in Memory of Elena Franciosa
Janssen, Anthony
Jasper N Keller Chapter #33
Jasmin, Marc
Jean, David M.
Johnson, David A.
Johnson, David G.
Johnson, Gary D.
Johnson, James P.
Johnson, Richard
Janssen, Anthony
Jasper N Keller Chapter #33
Jasmin, Marc
Jean, David M.
Johnson, David A.
Johnson, David G.
Johnson, Gary D.
Johnson, James P.
Johnson, Richard
Kalicin, Gregory
Katz, Michael
Given in Memory of Herbert S. Katz
Keenan, Pamela Ridley
Given in Memory of Dexter & Helen Maddocks
Kelley, Kim
Given in Memory of Florence Stoehr
Kendall, Douglas J.
Kendall, Gary
Given in Memory of George Kendall [NH Telephone Co employee for 35 years]
Kenney, Harold & Henrietta
Kerkian, Glen
Ketchie, Ronald W.
Given in Memory of "all who preserve the past"
Kidder, Clarke L.
Kincade, Roy
Klein, Elizabeth
Kleinerman, Brad
Given in Memory of Mark Kleinerman
Kloeber, Ed
Given in Memory of Eleanor G. Kloeber
Knowlton, Kenneth
Given in Memory of Ken & Lora Billings
Knox, Milton
Konieczny, Ali
Kozlik, Bruce
Given in Memory of Ralph Johnson
Krajewski, Carla
Given in Memory of Jack Mullins
Kalicin, Gregory
Katz, Michael
Given in Memory of Herbert S. Katz
Keenan, Pamela Ridley
Given in Memory of Dexter & Helen Maddocks
Kelley, Kim
Given in Memory of Florence Stoehr
Kendall, Douglas J.
Kendall, Gary
Given in Memory of George Kendall [NH Telephone Co employee for 35 years]
Kenney, Harold & Henrietta
Kerkian, Glen
Ketchie, Ronald W.
Given in Memory of "all who preserve the past"
Kidder, Clarke L.
Kincade, Roy
Klein, Elizabeth
Kleinerman, Brad
Given in Memory of Mark Kleinerman
Kloeber, Ed
Given in Memory of Eleanor G. Kloeber
Knowlton, Kenneth
Given in Memory of Ken & Lora Billings
Knox, Milton
Konieczny, Ali
Kozlik, Bruce
Given in Memory of Ralph Johnson
Krajewski, Carla
Given in Memory of Jack Mullins
Laferriere, Leo & Liz
Labbe, Pauline
Given in Memory of Maurice Branch Labbe
Lacroix, Ray
LaDuke, Beth-Holly
Lamontagne, Paul & Jayann
Larochelle, Dianna
Given in Memory of Giselle Guinan
Leiby, Ginks
Lemieux, Carol
Letellier, Fern
Leyden, Peter
Given in Memory of Peter Leyden Jr., New York Telephone Co.
L’heureux, Robert
Lieberman, William
Lindley, Jan
Linskey, Kathy
Little, Richard
Locke, Susan
Given in Memory of Christopher Locke
Lockhart, Carolyn
Lombard, Susan
Given in Memory of Stephen Lombard, Jr.
Long, A. Patricia
Lorden, Ann Cleaves
Given in Memory of William W. Cleaves
Lyons, Betsy
Laferriere, Leo & Liz
Labbe, Pauline
Given in Memory of Maurice Branch Labbe
Lacroix, Ray
LaDuke, Beth-Holly
Lamontagne, Paul & Jayann
Larochelle, Dianna
Given in Memory of Giselle Guinan
Leiby, Ginks
Lemieux, Carol
Letellier, Fern
Leyden, Peter
Given in Memory of Peter Leyden Jr., New York Telephone Co.
L’heureux, Robert
Lieberman, William
Lindley, Jan
Linskey, Kathy
Little, Richard
Locke, Susan
Given in Memory of Christopher Locke
Lockhart, Carolyn
Lombard, Susan
Given in Memory of Stephen Lombard, Jr.
Long, A. Patricia
Lorden, Ann Cleaves
Given in Memory of William W. Cleaves
Lyons, Betsy
MacDonald, Vincent
Mack, Robert
MacLean, Scott & Lisa
Given in Memory of A. Robert MacLean
Maloney, Tom
Martin, Christopher
Mildred Marshall
Given in Memory of Gordon A. Marshall
Marshall, Peg
Given in Memory of "hard working telephone people"
Martin, Anne
Given in Honor of James R. Martin
Martin, Chris
Martin, Donna
Martin, Sandra W.
Given in Memory of Rosamund G. Waddell
Masingill, Beth A.
Given in Memory of George H. Lilleholm & Jeffrey S. Masingill
Masison, Susan
McAllister, John
McArt, Craig
McCabe, Barbara S.
McCarthy, Kevin & Laura
McGarth, Bruce M.
McGerty, Stephen
McLean, Carolyn A., Guardian for Elaine Manning
Given in Memory of Elaine Day (Greeley) Manning
McNeil, Sara
McPherson, Mary Beth
Given in Memory of Mary Elizabeth Skinner
Megerdichian, Robert
Given in Memory of Abraham Megerdichian
Meier, Mary
Given in Memory of Roger K. Woodbury
Melody, Elke
Melancon, Lisa & June
Given in Memory of Victoria Turcotte
Mello, Allison
Given in Memory of William T. Mello Sr.
Merrigan, Jim
Given in Memory of Nobel Armstrong
Messer, Paul
Micals, Ed
Miliner, James
Miller, Jane
Miller, Lawrence
Miller, Robert H.
Milligan, Bruce
Mingarelli, Ron
Mize, Michelle M.
Molloy, John K.
Molyneux, Michael
Monaghan, Dennis
Given in Memory of Cinda, Maxwell, Shultz, Heidi, Woodstock & Max
Morgan, Donna Guilbault
Given in Memory of Robert Guilbault
Morin, Michelle
Morse, George Jr.
Given in Memory of George Morse Sr.
Mosefski, Aurora
Mosher, Dana & Siri
Given in Memory of Ralph D. Baker, Larry Roberts, & Everett (Barney) Mosher
Mt. Washington Cog Railroad Museum
Mueller, Dick
Given in Memory of Richard J. Mueller Sr.
MacDonald, Vincent
Mack, Robert
MacLean, Scott & Lisa
Given in Memory of A. Robert MacLean
Maloney, Tom
Martin, Christopher
Mildred Marshall
Given in Memory of Gordon A. Marshall
Marshall, Peg
Given in Memory of "hard working telephone people"
Martin, Anne
Given in Honor of James R. Martin
Martin, Chris
Martin, Donna
Martin, Sandra W.
Given in Memory of Rosamund G. Waddell
Masingill, Beth A.
Given in Memory of George H. Lilleholm & Jeffrey S. Masingill
Masison, Susan
McAllister, John
McArt, Craig
McCabe, Barbara S.
McCarthy, Kevin & Laura
McGarth, Bruce M.
McGerty, Stephen
McLean, Carolyn A., Guardian for Elaine Manning
Given in Memory of Elaine Day (Greeley) Manning
McNeil, Sara
McPherson, Mary Beth
Given in Memory of Mary Elizabeth Skinner
Megerdichian, Robert
Given in Memory of Abraham Megerdichian
Meier, Mary
Given in Memory of Roger K. Woodbury
Melody, Elke
Melancon, Lisa & June
Given in Memory of Victoria Turcotte
Mello, Allison
Given in Memory of William T. Mello Sr.
Merrigan, Jim
Given in Memory of Nobel Armstrong
Messer, Paul
Micals, Ed
Miliner, James
Miller, Jane
Miller, Lawrence
Miller, Robert H.
Milligan, Bruce
Mingarelli, Ron
Mize, Michelle M.
Molloy, John K.
Molyneux, Michael
Monaghan, Dennis
Given in Memory of Cinda, Maxwell, Shultz, Heidi, Woodstock & Max
Morgan, Donna Guilbault
Given in Memory of Robert Guilbault
Morin, Michelle
Morse, George Jr.
Given in Memory of George Morse Sr.
Mosefski, Aurora
Mosher, Dana & Siri
Given in Memory of Ralph D. Baker, Larry Roberts, & Everett (Barney) Mosher
Mt. Washington Cog Railroad Museum
Mueller, Dick
Given in Memory of Richard J. Mueller Sr.
Naughton, William J.
Neily, Rodger & Anita
Nemec, Patricia
Given in Memory of Nancy Nemec
Newton, Carson
Ngo, Phuong Hu
Nolan, Kim
Naughton, William J.
Neily, Rodger & Anita
Nemec, Patricia
Given in Memory of Nancy Nemec
Newton, Carson
Ngo, Phuong Hu
Nolan, Kim
O'Brien, Patricia
In Memory of Mr. A.G. Bell for the making of the phone
O'Connor, Michael
O'Grady, George
Owens, Barbara
Oxford Networks
O'Brien, Patricia
In Memory of Mr. A.G. Bell for the making of the phone
O'Connor, Michael
O'Grady, George
Owens, Barbara
Oxford Networks
Packard, Martin
Packer, Elaine
Given in Memory of Bailey Packer
Page, Edward O.
Paul, Beth Ann
Pemberton, Albert
Peterson, John
Phillips, Mary W.
Phillips, Pat
Pichm, N.E.
Pickens, Anne
Given in Memory of Dorothie Littlefield
Pillsbury Free Library
Piroso, Ron
Plante, Bernard
Plante, Marcel
Pollard, Ken
Given in Memory of Roy M. Pollard
Pounder, June
Packard, Martin
Packer, Elaine
Given in Memory of Bailey Packer
Page, Edward O.
Paul, Beth Ann
Pemberton, Albert
Peterson, John
Phillips, Mary W.
Phillips, Pat
Pichm, N.E.
Pickens, Anne
Given in Memory of Dorothie Littlefield
Pillsbury Free Library
Piroso, Ron
Plante, Bernard
Plante, Marcel
Pollard, Ken
Given in Memory of Roy M. Pollard
Pounder, June
Quimby, Frank A., Jr.
Given in Memory of Quimby, Frank A., Sr.
Quinn, Jeremy
Quimby, Frank A., Jr.
Given in Memory of Quimby, Frank A., Sr.
Quinn, Jeremy
Race, Jeffrey
Rainford, Alan F.
Given in Memory of Jim Nelson
Raymond, Edward
Reller, Ed
Repp, John
Given in Memory of GTE
Rettig, John
Reynolds, Lisa Anne
Given in Memory of Mary E. King
Rich, Michael
Richardson, Patricia
Given in Memory of the Richardson Family
Richmond Telephone Company
Richters, John
Rickard, Elaine
Given in Memory of Edward J. & Cornelia L. Betters
Rigollet, Hastings
Given in Memory of Dick Violette
Roberts, Sue
Ross, Barbara Y.
Given in Memory of Thomas W. Ross
Robinton, Charlie
Russo, Michael & Julie
Race, Jeffrey
Rainford, Alan F.
Given in Memory of Jim Nelson
Raymond, Edward
Reller, Ed
Repp, John
Given in Memory of GTE
Rettig, John
Reynolds, Lisa Anne
Given in Memory of Mary E. King
Rich, Michael
Richardson, Patricia
Given in Memory of the Richardson Family
Richmond Telephone Company
Richters, John
Rickard, Elaine
Given in Memory of Edward J. & Cornelia L. Betters
Rigollet, Hastings
Given in Memory of Dick Violette
Roberts, Sue
Ross, Barbara Y.
Given in Memory of Thomas W. Ross
Robinton, Charlie
Russo, Michael & Julie
Sabin, Howard
Salathe, Marjorie K.
Saleski, Ed
Carroll and Virginia Sanderson Trust
Given in Memory of Beverly Egounis, 29 year telephone company employee
Sanderson, Pamela
Given in Memory of Virginia S. Sanderson
Sargeant, Greg
Sargent, Durwood
Given in Memory of James Trow
Sauta, Michael
Given in Memory of Vincent & Ann Napoli, Marlboro MA
Sawyer, Diane
Given in memory of Jay G. Sawyer
Scalzillo, Karen
Given in Memory of Joseph W. Dunphy
Schmidt, Kenneth
Seitz, Ray
Sewall, Diane
Sherman, Jerry
Sherwood, Barbara J.
Given in Memory of Roy F. Sherwood
Shibles, Scott
Simpson, Bill Jr.
Simpson, James
Smith, Gregory
Smith, R. Dean & Roxana
Smith, William C.
Snowden, Janie
Soop, Fred
Stanley, Rich
Stanley, Robert
Stasinski, Phil
Steen, Kay
Stefanik, Jean
Stith, Douglas
Strickland, Jim
Stumpf, Eric
Sullivan, Mary
Svendsen, Carl
Sweet, Scott, Tracey, Brandes
Sabin, Howard
Salathe, Marjorie K.
Saleski, Ed
Carroll and Virginia Sanderson Trust
Given in Memory of Beverly Egounis, 29 year telephone company employee
Sanderson, Pamela
Given in Memory of Virginia S. Sanderson
Sargeant, Greg
Sargent, Durwood
Given in Memory of James Trow
Sauta, Michael
Given in Memory of Vincent & Ann Napoli, Marlboro MA
Sawyer, Diane
Given in memory of Jay G. Sawyer
Scalzillo, Karen
Given in Memory of Joseph W. Dunphy
Schmidt, Kenneth
Seitz, Ray
Sewall, Diane
Sherman, Jerry
Sherwood, Barbara J.
Given in Memory of Roy F. Sherwood
Shibles, Scott
Simpson, Bill Jr.
Simpson, James
Smith, Gregory
Smith, R. Dean & Roxana
Smith, William C.
Snowden, Janie
Soop, Fred
Stanley, Rich
Stanley, Robert
Stasinski, Phil
Steen, Kay
Stefanik, Jean
Stith, Douglas
Strickland, Jim
Stumpf, Eric
Sullivan, Mary
Svendsen, Carl
Sweet, Scott, Tracey, Brandes
Tannert, H. Michael
Given in Memory of Jack Sheehan
Tardif, Thomas
Given in Memory of Bill Ekberg
Thomas, George
Given in Memory of Gus & Stella Thomas
Thompson, Carroll Pete
Thompson-Foote, Erin
Given in Memory of Joseph Cummings & Robert Fluman
Thornton, Janet
Given in Memory of Lisa Abramo
Tiffany, Robert
Tighe, Brenda
Given in Memory of Ruth E. Tighe, Martha Tighe
Towne, Judith
Turgeon, Roger
Given in Memory of Fabiola Turgeon
Tannert, H. Michael
Given in Memory of Jack Sheehan
Tardif, Thomas
Given in Memory of Bill Ekberg
Thomas, George
Given in Memory of Gus & Stella Thomas
Thompson, Carroll Pete
Thompson-Foote, Erin
Given in Memory of Joseph Cummings & Robert Fluman
Thornton, Janet
Given in Memory of Lisa Abramo
Tiffany, Robert
Tighe, Brenda
Given in Memory of Ruth E. Tighe, Martha Tighe
Towne, Judith
Turgeon, Roger
Given in Memory of Fabiola Turgeon
Vera D. Chellis Rev. TR
Given to honor the Chellis families and Meriden Telephone Co. Employees
Verge, Ken
Voluckas, Don & Dianne
Vera D. Chellis Rev. TR
Given to honor the Chellis families and Meriden Telephone Co. Employees
Verge, Ken
Voluckas, Don & Dianne
Wallace, John
Walter, Debra Gail
Given in Memory of Theodore Franklin Walter
Watt, Tom & Ellie
Given in Memory of Edward A. Watts
Watts, Dan & Mary
Weinstein, Cheryl
Wesoly, Mary Ann
Westcott, Velma
White, Dick & Joan
Whitcomb, Norma
Given in Memory of Melvin M. Whitcomb Jr.
Whitehead, Linda
Whittemore, Mark D.
Given in Memory of Eugene & Beverly Whittemore & Family
Wilk, Joseph J.
Wilkins, Richard
Given in Memory of Ernest G. Wilkins
Wood, Albert
Wright, Kathy N.
Wysong, Frank
Wallace, John
Walter, Debra Gail
Given in Memory of Theodore Franklin Walter
Watt, Tom & Ellie
Given in Memory of Edward A. Watts
Watts, Dan & Mary
Weinstein, Cheryl
Wesoly, Mary Ann
Westcott, Velma
White, Dick & Joan
Whitcomb, Norma
Given in Memory of Melvin M. Whitcomb Jr.
Whitehead, Linda
Whittemore, Mark D.
Given in Memory of Eugene & Beverly Whittemore & Family
Wilk, Joseph J.
Wilkins, Richard
Given in Memory of Ernest G. Wilkins
Wood, Albert
Wright, Kathy N.
Wysong, Frank
Zalenski, Arlene
In Memory of Stanley B. Zalenski
Zellner, Scot
Ziman, Lynn
In Memory of Edson Conger
Zalenski, Arlene
In Memory of Stanley B. Zalenski
Zellner, Scot
Ziman, Lynn
In Memory of Edson Conger